What is a PT or post-tension slab?
You can tell you have a PT slab if you have a stamp, usually in the garage floor, that says it is a post tensioned slab (Some older homes do not have this stamp. But there are other ways to tell if you have a PT slab. Give us a call if you have questions). A PT slab is a slab of concrete that has steel cables running through it. These cables are stretched and tightened/tensioned so that they compress the slab, which strengthens it.
Post Tension or PT Cables…
The ends of the cables are protected by caps and/or grout. If these pockets become exposed to the elements they can rust and the cable can snap. The pressure released when the cables fail has the potential to damage flooring and walls. You should regularly check your foundations perimeter for damage or degradation.
Post Tension Cable End Repairs
If you catch it before the damage becomes too extensive, we can remove and replace the cable end pocket grout and resurface the slab edge to protect it. If the slab has already begun to crack, then more expensive repairs will be required. Give us a call if you have questions.
Post Tension Slab Cracks…
Post tension slabs are not supposed to have cracks, not even small ones. Cracks in the middle of your PT slab can and should be repaired by injecting epoxy into them. This protects the steel cables and rebar inside the slab from moisture rising up from the ground and causing them to rust and fail.
When do you need this:
Exposed cable ends
Visible rust spots
Interior slab cracks (PT slabs should not have cracks)
Slab edge cracks
Failed or popped cables